Circulation Policy

Wayne Public Library Circulation Policy
Loan Period:
New books, books, music CDs, new audiobooks, audiobooks, and Hooked on Phonics Kits may be borrowed for 21 days. DVDs, Blu-Ray DVDs and Young Adult Videogames may be borrowed for 7 days. DVD-TV Series, Miniseries and Back issues of Periodicals may be borrowed for 14 days. Other materials will circulate for 21 days.

Museum passes may be borrowed for 3 days, no holds allowed, up to 3 passes may be borrowed per Adult library card.

MiFi Hotspots may be borrowed for 2 weeks; One renewal allowed, no holds alowed.

Fines are based on the library that the materials were checked out from.

Wayne Public Library does not charge fines on Books, Periodicals, Audio books, Music CDs, DVDs
Language and Educational Sets, Hooked on Phonics Kits, Young Adult Videogames or Replacement Library Cards. 

Replacement costs are incurred for lost or unreturned items.

Fines for interlibrary loans - $.10 per day 
Fines for Museum passes - $5.00 per day to a maximum of $35
Widgets - $1.00 per day
MiFi Hotspots - $5 per day late fee to a maximum of $35

Temporary Internet pass:
For those who do not have their library card or are not eligible for a library card, they may ask for (1) one, two (2) hour internet pass within a twenty four (24) hour period.

Other Charges:
Lost or damaged material: see below.

Renewing Materials:
Loans of older books and books on tape or CD; and older DVDs may be renewed TWICE. Adult books designated as NEW; new audio books, adult & juvenile periodicals, DVDs, videotapes, young adult videogames, music CDs and Hooked on Phonics Kits; all of which may be renewed ONE time only. Only ONE telephone renewal is permitted for any item.

Borrowing Limits:
Cardholders are limited to 75 items checked out, only 20 of which may be classified as "New." Cardholders are limited to 5 New Adult DVDs and 5 New Juvenile DVDs, 5 New audiobooks, 3 VHS (video) tapes, and 5 New Adult music CDs and 5 New Juvenile music CDs per checkout session. Please select Circulating Collection from the below menu. TV series/mini-series a maximum of 5 at any one given time, 2 renewals. New items can only be renewed one time.

Getting a library card:
Who qualifies for a Wayne Public Library card? General eligibility details.
**New library card accounts will be created up to 35 minutes prior to closing.**

Cardholder Responsibility:
Patrons are responsible for all materials charged out to them. Parents or guardians are financially responsible for all materials checked out by their children. The Library will assess damages beyond reasonable wear. Any material lost or damaged will be charged to the patron.(See Fines and Fees section below) When fines or fees are $5.00 or more or a fine remains unpaid for a period of 45 days, the patron cannot continue to check out material or use the internet until the fee is paid or payment arrangements are made with the library staff.

Renewing Library Card
Patrons must annually renew their library card. Those patrons with email notification will receive notice two (2) weeks prior to their card's expiration date. Patrons must renew in person at either location and provide proof of residency.

Parents in possession of their child's library card and the required proof of residency may renew the child's library card without the child being present.

High school students who can provide proof of residency may renew their library card without their parents being present.
Renewals will be processed up to 35 minutes prior to closing.

A. Library Cards
General eligibility
The Main Library is open for use to everyone. To check out books or others materials, a patron must have a card registered in the Wayne Public Library system. Anyone who lives in or owns property in Wayne is entitled to a free library card, which must be renewed every three years. A non-resident who does not live in a reciprocal or open borrowing area who attends school or works in Wayne is entitled (with student identification or proof of employment) to a “Courtesy Card” at no charge for a period of one year, and this card may also be renewed as long as the cardholder maintains their student status or employment in Wayne. All cards can be used in both locations of the Wayne Public Library System. Any card which is not used within a one-year period and which does not have an overdue or fine attached will become invalid and must be reapplied for.
Adult cards
Adult cards may be obtained by applying at the circulation desk or on-line. The patron must present two (2) forms of identification, at least one of which has a current street address with proof of Wayne residency to apply for or when renewing a library card. Post Office boxes or commercial mailboxes (i.e. 576 Valley Road) cannot be used as proof of Wayne residency. Address field 2 must contain actual Wayne resident address. Acceptable identifications may include but are not limited to:
1. Current driver's license or automobile registration
2. County ID or County Senior ID
3. Board of Social Services ID
4. Current Utility Bill or Bank statement (not checkbook)
5. Mortgage or Lease Document ("current" document is dated within the last 30 days)
The patron is eligible immediately for full library service.

Children's cards
Children may apply to receive a card. The parent or legal guardian must give permission for a child to have a card, and must accept financial responsibility for materials borrowed by the child. Juvenile cards do not restrict use of library materials and are given full confidentiality protection.

Lost Card
Patrons who have lost their library card can, with proper identification, apply for a new card. 

 Courtesy Card
A courtesy or paid user has a valid library card issued by another PALS Plus library but is not entitled to reciprocal privileges. Examples are nonresidents who are issued cards because they work in the community and cardholders who purchase library cards.
Registering William Paterson University Reciprocal Borrowers
Students, staff and faculty in good standing at the university are entitled to reciprocal borrowing privileges at PALS Plus libraries.
Cardholder responsibility
Patrons are responsible for all materials charged out to them. Parents or guardians are financially responsible for all materials checked out by their children. The Library will assess damages beyond reasonable wear. Any material lost or damaged will be charged to the patron.(See Fines and Fees section below) When fines or fees are $5.00 or more, more than 5 (five) items are overdue, or a fine remains unpaid for a period of 45 days, the patron cannot continue to check out material or use the internet until the fee is paid or payment arrangements are made with the library staff.

Renewing Library Card
Patrons must renew their library card every three (3) years. Those patrons with email notification will receive notice two (2) weeks prior to their card's expiration date. Patrons must renew in person at either location and provide proof of residency. Parents in possession of their child's library card and the required proof of residency may renew the child's library card without the child being present.High school students who can provide proof of residency may renew their library card without their parents being present.

Renewals will be processed up to 35 minutes prior to closing
Out-of-town residents using the Wayne Library
Out-of-town residents who live in towns that have entered into reciprocal or open borrowing agreements with Wayne may check out all library materials available to Township residents. Each user must present identification, a valid library card from their home library and be in good standing with that library. Open borrowing sticker must be on card from non-PALS Plus libraries. Holds can be placed on items that have been in the circulating collection longer than three (3) months.
There is an annual charge of $125.00, equal to the latest published per capita support figure from the New Jersey State Library for a Wayne Public Library card with full borrowing privileges for out-of-town residents who do not live in areas with reciprocal or open borrowing arrangements with Wayne.

B. Wayne resident use of other libraries
Wayne residents holding a valid Wayne Library card will be eligible to register to use any of the reciprocal or open borrowing libraries, provided they are in good standing with the Wayne Public Library. In all cases, the rules of the lending library must be obeyed. The patron is individually responsible for all material borrowed from reciprocal borrowing libraries. When reciprocal borrowing agreements require that the Wayne Public Library reimburse the lending library for material lost by a Wayne patron, the patron will be responsible for reimbursing the Wayne Public Library. The Wayne Public Library will provide information on the status of patrons to the lending library.

D. Patron confidentiality
The Board of Trustees of the Wayne Public Library believes that it is the basic right of every individual to read what he or she wishes without fear of censure or legal consequence. It also affirms the right of every person to privacy. The library will do all within its power to protect each user's right to privacy with respect to all information required for registration and for information sought or received, and materials consulted, borrowed or acquired. Such records will not be made available to any individual, organization or government agency except pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:73-43.2 Confidentiality; exceptions.
Exceptions: Library records which contain the names or other personally identifying details regarding the users of libraries are confidential and shall not be disclosed except in the following circumstances:
a. The records are necessary for the proper operation of the library;
b. Disclosure is requested by the user; or
c. Disclosure is required pursuant to a subpoena issued by a court or court order L.1985, c 172, s. 2, eff. May 31, 1985

Circulating Collection
A. Material Types
Most materials purchased for the Wayne Public Library circulate. Format may be the deciding factor in making an item circulating or reference, but materials in any format may circulate at the discretion of the librarians. Circulating material is purchased to fulfill the needs of the public for material which may be used over a period of time outside of the library, and currently includes but is not limited to books, magazines, videos, DVDs, audio books, music CDs, information CDs, e-books, pamphlets, maps and documents.

B. Disclaimer
The library is not responsible for any damage done to machines by the use of library owned videos, tapes, software, CDs or other library materials. The patron is responsible for reading and understanding any instructions, limitations, system requirements, etc., and determining if they wish to use library material. Technological support is not available at the library. Due to the heavy and wide usage of library materials, the library cannot guarantee the condition of material at the time of checkout.
b. Patrons are responsible for rewinding audio and video tapes and returning all materials in a condition ready for use by the next patron. All material must be returned in the appropriate package.
a. Patrons are responsible for reporting any damage or problems with library material to library staff. 

C. Loan periods
All books, including new books may be borrowed for 21 days. VHS tapes, audio books and CD's may also be borrowed for 21 days. All DVD's may be borrowed for 7 days.

D. Renewals and Limits
If there are no reserves on an item, books (except new books), periodicals and audio books (except new audio books) may be renewed in person, over the phone or on-line two times. New books, VHS tapes, DVDs, CDs and new audio books may be renewed once.

E. Number of items per person
Cardholders are limited to 75 items checked out, only 20 of which may be classified as "New." Cardholders are limited to 5 Adult DVDs and 5 Juvenile DVDs, 5 audiobooks, 5 VHS (video) tapes, and 5 Adult music CDs and 5 Juvenile music CDs per checkout session. The library retains the right to further limit the number of items that may be checked out by any one person when heavy demand by subject area, seasonal appeal, format or other factors would not provide fair distribution to the greater population. Only one e-book may be checked out per patron card at any one time. 

F. Reserves and requests for interlibrary loan
1. Patrons are limited to fifty reserve items. New books, new DVDs and new audio books and new CDs may be reserved by Wayne residents only. Items not found on the shelf of the library may be reserved in person, over the phone or directly on the computer automation system. Patrons may request pickup at either library branch. Only five reserves may be placed at any one time through library staff. There is no charge for reserving items. Patrons will be called or notified by mail or e-mail when an item is available. The library card used to place the reserve must be presented to pick it up. Each item will be held until the patron can come to the library, up to three days unless specific arrangements are made with library staff.
2. Wayne residents may request interlibrary loans on items not owned by the Wayne Public Library system. Non-residents must place ILL requests through their home libraries. Only five interlibrary loan requests may be placed per week. Costs of interlibrary loans will be passed on to the patrons when the lending library charges for loans or photocopies. 

G. Material returned at remote locations
All materials borrowed from one branch of the Wayne Library system may be returned to any branch or any Pals Plus Library. The return date for purposes of library fines will be the first day the material is checked in by a Wayne Library branch. Materials borrowed from other New Jersey libraries may be returned to any library and will be shipped back to the lending library through the statewide delivery system. Overdue fines will continue until material is received and checked in by the lending library for material checked out directly to the patron.
3. The Wayne Public Library will loan any circulating material (except e-books) not on reserve to fill ILL requests. 

H. Claims Returned
Any patron who claims to have returned materials on 3 or more occasions will be blocked from checking out materials and using the internet until the items are cleared from the record either by finding and returning the items and paying the fines, or by paying for the replacement cost of the items. Claims return must be made within 20 days of the due date or prior to the bill being sent out.

Approved by the Wayne Public Library Board May 12, 2015

Fines and Fees
A. Overdue fines
For items kept out beyond the due date, a late charge of $1.00 per day will be charged for museum passes and widgets and $.10 per day will be charged for inter-library loan materials. The overdue charge begins on the day following the due date of the item. These items may not be placed in the book drop and must be returned inside the library. Replacement costs are incurred for lost or unreturned items.
B. Lost or damaged beyond repair material
Replacement costs for lost or damaged (beyond repair) material will be charged according to library policy. Please contact the circulation desk for assistance with replacement costs.

C. Damaged material
When material is damaged but can be repaired, a fair estimate of the costs of repair will be charged to the patron. A replacement cost of $5.00 will be charged for lost or damaged audio-visual cases.

D. Copies
A $0.25 fee will be charged for each black and white photocopy. Color copies are $0.50. A $0.25 fee will be charged for each page printed at the computer print station. A $0.25 fee will be charged for microform copies from microfilm or microfiche machines and for patron records printed at Circulation. 

Up to 20 pages of copies will be supplied free for interlibrary loan requests.

E. Copies of Board of Trustee minutes
Once approved by the Library Board of Trustees, Board meeting minutes arre posted on the library's website at
Patrons can request copies of the Board of Trustee minutes by filing an OPRA request with the Township Clerk. The audio copy is available for $.80 per copy. There is a $.10 charge for per envelope and a $.30 chrge per case. There is a $.05 per page charge for letter size and a $.07 charge for legal size.

F. Computer disks
Blank CDs may be purchased for $3.00 each.
Blank Flash Drives may be purchased for $1.00 each.

G. Replacement of Library Cards
There is no fee to replace your library card.
Approved by the Wayne Public Library Board July 8, 2022